Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

This morning I pulled myself, and I do mean pull, out of bed to attempt my thrice weekly run. I stumbled to my dresser, pulled out my socks and sat on the edge of the bed. I paused for a moment, willing myself to bend over and put my socks on. As I sat there I began to think about what work out attire might be appropriate for today's 30 degree weather. ( Ok so it's more like 40, but whatever.) The only thing I had to would begin to be warm enough would be Jeremy's Marine Corps issued PT sweatsuit get up. Yeah, those ugly olive-drab ones. Now, I don't mind either piece by itself, but together? No, thanks!  So I sat there, with nothing cute to run in. What's a girl to do?
You've got it! Back to bed. Part of me was not so shocked that I was able to come up with such a "compelling" argument as to why I could not possibly go running today. It starts every night. I think about having to wake up the next morning and do the unbearable. Work out. So the little devil ( fat girl ) in me starts to talk me out of it. I sleep on these thoughts, and most mornings I defeat her with my strong will. But there are some mornings , like today, that I give in and I let her win. ( She needs it for her self esteem.)

It's the same thought process with food sometimes. Food like these cookies. Come on, you know it's true. You tell yourself at the end of the day while washing your face before bed, "Okay, tomorrow I will do better with this diet. Tomorrow I will not give in. Tomorrow I will just snack on carrots whenever I get the sweet tooth. Carrots are sure to beat my desire for that chocolate cupcake, loaded with fluffy peanut butter frosting, drizzled in chocolate. Yup, carrots will do the trick." All the while, you know deep down that you are definitely going to give in, and you will definitely eat too many of these cookies, and you will definitely be in the bathroom washing your face tonight telling yourself, "Tomorrow I will stick with the carrots."

Yes, It's like that!

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